Underwater Robot for infrastructure inspection with edge AI REBECCA Chip
Use case
One of the use cases of the REBECCA chip is an underwater robot, developed by AquaSmart Engineering and Almende. The goal of this underwater robot is to inspect underwater infrastructures, like quay walls, sheet pile walls and pillars. There can be damage present on those objects, and to aid in the inspection an AI recognition algorithm is under development.
This will run ‘at the edge’ on the REBECCA chip, and will help detect damages, like cracks in concrete walls. The first iteration of this robot has been built in the previous months, and right now the second iteration of
the robot is in the concept phase. The first version has been tested in simulation, on a workbench, in a
controlled test environment (a test container), and in the river Schie in Rotterdam. Testing the robot was a lot of fun, and the results were very promising! Almende and AquaSmart Engineering are looking forward to developing and testing the second iteration, and testing the edge AI REBECCA Chip!

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: REBECCA project is supported by the Chips Joint Undertaking and its members, including the top-up funding by National Authorities under grant agreement n° 101097224. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.